I've started writing this blog
several times but after reading so many great blogs from other
people such as Stuart Pike, Billy Stockwell & Georgia Locock I didn't see the point in just repeating what everyone else had
already written. Yes great rallying speeches from the likes of ChrisPackham & Mark Avery, but what struck me, just like last
year, was the amazing and extraordinary voices of the people that gave up
their time to attend this years Hen Harrier Day.
Chris Packham as ever delivered a passionate & informed Speech |
Mark Avery - A modern day Wildlife Hero |
My experience was
different this year as I'd stepped in at the last minute to help
marshall the event. This gave me an opportunity to meet some top people and exchange concerns but also talk to lots of
supporters as they arrived and try and sell, sorry I mean extract a
donation for, a Hen Harrier Day wrist band. People were very generous
and they all made it clear that the money raised was going to a great
cause & were happy to donate if it was to help BAWC pay for the running of this
fantastically important event.
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John and 2 of the 4 Hen Harriers that attended HH day 2 |
The passion & anger was clear from supporters |
I could hear
conversations from all around about Hen Harriers and Gamekeepers, but
this year the subjects also included the environment and the unbalanced
ecosystems that the intensively managed moors create. As Chris
Packham said in his speech, we are not yokels, we are educated and
well informed. The main difference, to me, between the two sides of
this argument are that we see the bigger picture and are concerned
about the future and sustainability. Where as the Grouse shooting
lobby are just concerned about not changing their way of life, not
removing their 'traditions' and of course not eating into their profits.
They're not worried about what they will leave for future generations to
clean up, and no thought as to whether our children and grand children
will be able enjoy sights like the wonderful Hen Harrier.
Brilliant job from Charlie Moores & team organising the event |
Since the event I've
had several chats on twitter with Country Sport fans who still deny
that Gamekeepers are partly responsible for the death of Raptors on the
Moors, even after the reports of Annie they say it could have been
any one, even that anti hunt groups would shoot her for headlines. How can the interested
parties ever work together with these attitudes still in place?
One other thing that is
obvious this year is that the general public are becoming aware of what a Hen Harrier is, still not enough yet though, and the
media are talking about it. Articles in the Telegraph and other such
like minded papers seem to be shooting themselves in the foot as
'yokels' can see straight through their pathetic attempts to fill
heads with nonsense. The RSPB is a really well respected, and
deservedly so, organisation and to attack them is very unfair.
Some one is watching from the bushes |
My hope for the next 12
months is that NGO's become a lot tougher. Mike Clarke' talk on
Saturday night was good, and his guest blog on Martin Harpers page
was a little angrier than some of the RSPB's previous statements,
but I still think that trying to negotiate with Grouse Moor owners at the present time is pointless as they seem to have no intentions of altering their ways. Unless
all stop killing birds of prey how can numbers increase? We have to
push for a ban on Driven Grouse Shooting before it's too late.
Mike Clarke - RSPB standing strong against critisism |
Jo Smith from
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust spoke with passion but we need to hear
ideas and alternatives from NGO's if they are not going to support the ban.
Jo Smith - Spoke with passion but do NGO's needto take a stronger stance? |
For me we need to get
rid of driven Grouse shooting not just for the sake of birds of prey
but all predators, they like us are just trying to live a life and
bring up families. Yes ground nesting birds will suffer losses but
who are we to determine what the population levels of wild animals
should be? Populations will go up and go down but eventually a
natural level will be found. If some species struggle or even go
extinct on the moors then that is nature at work, but land owners should not
play god and think they can do a better job.
If you didn't attend Hen Harrier Day watch highlights here.
Harry still watches over events |
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust show good support this year |
Harry is happy to see DWT at this years event |
Couldn't resist a chance of a picture in the BUTT |
One final note, Just before the 9th of August Tiffany Imogen posted on her website a poem about the Hen Harrier, It is a wonderfully moving poem and gave me goosebumps, please read the poem below.
Sun creeps over thistled moor
and stains the dawn cold,
sanguine gold.
and stains the dawn cold,
sanguine gold.
A gangling hare begins
her voyage atop the heather sea,
through bilberry waves and
sphagnum froth she totters and hops,
and stops.
her voyage atop the heather sea,
through bilberry waves and
sphagnum froth she totters and hops,
and stops.
There lies a shadow on the earth.
Look up! Our hare a harrier spies,
bisecting the skies
with aureate eyes
and feathers of darkening cobalt.
bisecting the skies
with aureate eyes
and feathers of darkening cobalt.
Hare retreats; grouse awakens.
Auburn plume and crimson brow,
grouse is wanted by the world.
Auburn plume and crimson brow,
grouse is wanted by the world.
Hen harrier craves soft flesh
to nourish fragile young,
nestled low in wildling sprigs
exposed to wind and badger bite.
Portly man wants portly fowl
to shoot with steel gun;
a fattened carcass stuffed
betwixt the lips of Dionysus.
to nourish fragile young,
nestled low in wildling sprigs
exposed to wind and badger bite.
Portly man wants portly fowl
to shoot with steel gun;
a fattened carcass stuffed
betwixt the lips of Dionysus.
Ten thousand moons have
grouse and harrier flown
the heath together.
grouse and harrier flown
the heath together.
But man can find profit in Elysium;
he drains life with poison
and powder;
turns wilderness to revenue.
He has thrown our hawks into darkness.
he drains life with poison
and powder;
turns wilderness to revenue.
He has thrown our hawks into darkness.
Bright bird of Arcadia
lost upon the moor;
come back.
lost upon the moor;
come back.
A fantastic blog Stewart:) I am glad you decided to write one.Thanks also for adding that amazing poem on the end as it is the first time I have been able to read it.
ReplyDeleteHear, hear . Nature will find it's own level. Conservation not slaughter
ReplyDeleteBrilliant blog post! Thanks for sharing the poem too, I hadn't seen it.