Earlier today I sent this email to everyone in my address book & posted it on my Facebook page, Copy & Paste and do the same. If it generates one more signature it's worth it.
Hello All.
Hello All.
I know this is unusual for me but news has been released today of
yet another Hen Harrier being shot. http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/rare-bird-and-blog-star-heather-the-harrier-shot-dead-30954300.html
These killings, although not proven in all cases, are the
result of persecution by Land Managers & Gamekeepers to protect Red Grouse
stocks on shooting estates. Please consider signing this petition to get Driven
Grouse Shooting Banned. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/65627
We are not asking for an outright ban on shooting, just this
highly contentious and environmentally damaging type of shooting.
Read more here. http://markavery.info/epetition-ban-driven-grouse-shooting/
If after reading this you agree, please sign and pass on to
friends and family.
Thanks for your Time