When I planned my trip
to The Morecambe area I only really thought about bird species,
however the weekend was to give me 2 wonderful experiences that had
nothing to do with birds at all. I set myself a target of 12 new
species for the year. This was a fairly modest number; I’m not the
sort of birdwatcher that gets too hung up on numbers, if you were to
ask me how many birds were on my life list I couldn’t tell you. I
like to try and beat the previous years total but that’s just to
make me get off my backside, work harder and visit more places. My
trip started with a quick visit to Leighton Moss so I could find my
way around, as I was planning to spend most of my time here over the
next 3 days.
March 2014
I could hear
Black-headed gulls (1) squawking from every direction before I
had even left the car park. A Blackbird (2) sang from a tree
near the visitors centre, this has to be one of the most wonderful
songs in the bird world. A Robin (3) landed very close,
perhaps wondering if I had a snack. It then sang a little, beautiful
as it was, not a patch on the Blackbird. Blue Tit (4) &
Great Tit (5) were both busy on the feeders by the door, a
wonderful warm welcome was given by the staff in reception, and a
helpful lady took out a guide and talked me through what birds had
been seen in which areas. I've tried to remember her name but I
can't, but a big thank you anyway.
Scaup & Long-tailed
Duck sounded interesting so I headed for the Grisedale Hide, Mallard
(6), Coot (7), Moorhen (8), Tufted Duck (9),
Teal (10), Wigeon (11), Great Crested Grebe (12)
and Lesser Black Backed Gull (13) were soon ticked off, now
time to start scanning the water for the more difficult birds. My
first new bird of the year, Pochard (14),
I remember bird watching in my teens during the 70's when Pochard
could be found on most water bodies during the winter months. No
longer the case, maybe with so many wetland reserves created around
the country, particularly along the coast, these ducks don't have to
spread so far and wide any more?
I left the Grisedale
Hide and headed for the Tim Jackson hide. Here another new bird,
the Little Egret (15)
shaking its feet in the mud trying to dislodge a meal. Then the sound
that I have heard so many times and always means the same bird, fast
firing camera shutters tell me a Marsh Harrier (16)
has been spotted. Sure enough a Harrier was quartering low over a
reed bed, the late afternoon sun highlighting the females golden head
feathers, she turned quickly and dropped but came up empty handed. A
male the joined her and they both gave a short but impressive aerial
display to another rush of 'click click click' as eager photographers
trying to capture the event.
The light was fading
and I needed to get to the cottage I was staying in and unpack, so I
reluctantly left, but looked forward to coming back the following
March 2014
An early start on
Saturday, arrived at the reserve at 7 am. I headed straight for the
Causeway and the Public Hide first in the hope of seeing Bearded Tit.
My first bird of the day was a Great Spotted Woodpecker (17)
drumming on an old tree just
inside a small bit of woodland near the entrance to the Causeway. As
I approached the reedbeds a Wren (18)
was singing at the top of its voice, it soon popped out to show
itself, these are curious birds that always come to have a look at
you. A Song Thrush (19)
flew from the bushes and head for the house at the entrance.
loud squealing noise came from within the reeds right next to the
path, then another from the opposite side, unmistakeably the sound of
Water Rails defending their patch of the reed bed. I tried
desperately to get a look at the birds but without any luck, I did
see Reed Bunting (20), Long-tailed Tit (21)
& Chaffinch (22)
before I reached the Public Hide though. Once inside the hide I
settled down, set up my scope and started scanning every inch of
water and shoreline. Shoveler (23)
was spotted first and then one of the target birds, Scaup
I don't see this duck very often so care was taken to I.D correctly.
I spotted a Grey Heron (25)
feeding along the edge of the far reed bed and a pair of Gadwall
(26) among a small group of
Mallard. A few Carrion
Crow (27) and Jackdaw
(28) flew over the water and
landed in some trees some distance away, as I followed them I caught
a glimpse of 2 Buzzard (29)
soaring over woodland. 2 Little Grebe (30)
were diving, both birds were almost in full breeding plumage, 1 Great
Crested Grebe was still in its winter outfit amongst many more that
already had dressed up for the forth coming dance.
to move on to the Lower Hide where on my arrival a very kind lady
pointed out that she had spotted something very interesting in the
water. It took a few minutes to locate but when I spotted this
wonderful animal it brought a huge smile to my face. I was looking at
my very first wild Otter.
I watched it arch its back time after time and then flick its tail,
down it went under the surface. After around 4 or 5 attempts the
Otter finally came up with a fish, I had an excellent view in the
scope. It took maybe a minute for the fish to be consumed and then
immediately the Otter was down again. It returned to the surface
twice more with eels this time, which were dispatched just as
quickly. It swam to within 50 metres of the hide and I had the most
amazing views, the best experience of the weekend, I had come to
birdwatch but wow, what an event.
my way back to the main reserve, I first heard and quickly picked
out Chiffchaff (31), 2
Dunnocks (32) were
chasing and displaying in the hedgerow and behind then in an open
field were 3 Male Pheasant (33) calling
and sticking out there chests as 6 or 7 females looked on.

Before returning I stopped off at Hest Bank to see the tide move up the bay. As I arrived I could see Little Egret feeding in the grassy edges of the shoreline, around 100 Curlew (40) and a few Oystercatchers (41) busily grabbing a last chance meal of the day. The tide moved in very quickly and forced in c40 Knot (42) very close. The rain and hail was starting to sting a little so I packed up my gear and headed off back to base.
March 2014

I then made my way back onto the main reserve and stopped for a drink by the bird feeding area. Here I added, Nuthatch (48), Coal tit (49), Goldfinch (50), Collared Dove (51), Magpie (52) & Goldcrest (53). It was still early and there were not many people around so I decided to spend a few hours in the Grisedale Hide. I settled down and waited as the sun came up and turned the water into liquid gold. I looked down and right under the viewing window was a Water Rail (54), it fed for around 5 minutes until it disappeared into the reedbed to the left. I had seen Water Rail before but never as close as this, the early morning sun lit up the bird so that its colours stood out so vividly, truly an amazing sight. Lapwing (55) were displaying 50 feet in front of the hide, a true sound of spring.
Over to the far left of me I could see reeds moving and it was obvious that this was not a bird. My second mammal lifer had just entered the scene, Red Deer.

There were 4 hinds appeared, glowing in the morning sun they stopped on the edge of the reeds and enjoyed the heat. Then from the left 5 stags walked across in front of my position, antlers still in place but the animals didn't have the bulk they would have amassed during the rut. Regardless of this they were still very impressive animals and an absolute pleasure to observe. I watched for around 15 minutes then a Raven (56) flew past cronking as it past by. As I left the hide I walked for a couple of minutes and heard a Cettis Warbler (57) singing vigorously from within the reeds. It took 25 minutes to find the bird and even then it was the quickest of glimpses as it flew away. The last bird of the day was a cracker, as I returned to the car I heard a very familiar sound, I see this bird regularly at The Avenue but hear it even more. A Green Woodpecker (58) flew across the car park and headed into woodland beyond the reserve visitors centre, a lovely end to the day.
Other Birds seen this weekend were, Woodpigeon (59), Magpie (60), Rook (61), Herring Gull (62), Shelduck (63), Redwing (64), Jay (65) & Goldeneye (66).
had many great sightings this weekend and will remember my trip to
Leighton Moss very fondly, 66 species for the weekend, a modest total
but one I was happy with for the time of year. I had also seen 12 new
species for the year included in that 66 so more to smile about. But
for all the great birds my most exciting moment has to be the Otter,
I knew you could see them at Leighton Moss because of what I’d seen
on Springwatch but had forgotten about them. So to be surprised by
them, to get such wonderful views and on top of that observed some
fantastic behaviour, what more could I have asked for? Nothing. Thank
you Leighton Moss.
= count for trip. (number) = new bird for the