Saturday, 31 January 2015

Keeping the heat on the Grouse Moors

Every few days I visit the Ban Driven Grouse Shooting website (see here) to check on the number of signatures. As organisations like The Moorland Association, Countryside Alliance and The National Gamekeepers Organisation have tried to keep away from the issue on social media, the petition seems to have stalled I little. The fight for the Hen Harrier and all our Birds of Prey that are persecuted for profit on our Grouse Moors is far from over.

If you are one of the wonderful people that have already signed Mark Avery’s petition (see here) then thank you, but I ask if you could help push up the numbers from its current 20,652 (as of 31st Jan 2015). Make it your mission to get at least get one more person to sign this week, it could be a family member, a neighbour or a work colleague. Just think of the difference that all those extra signatures could make if we individually can get just one more person to sign.

The issue has moved on and has become bigger than Birds of Prey. As the methodology of managing grouse moors is studied, questions about its impact on the ecosystem and the environment have been asked, and yet again the moorland owners and managers are in denial and refuse to accept any responsibility. Profit is their only concern, so we need to make them accept the damage they are causing and change the way they look after our countryside.

On the 10th August 2014 four protests took place around England and I attended the one in the Peak District (see here ) to show that we are not going to stand by and let them continue to destroy our wildlife.

9th August is the planned date for this years Hen Harrier Day and it would be great for as many people as possible to attend, we need to show that our determination to halt bird of prey persecution has not diminished and we are back in 2015 even stronger. So please book the date in your diary and keep an eye out for more details (here) or (here).